Mac OS X Tiger Theme

31 August 2009

Apakah anda menyukai tampilan dari Mac OS X Tiger..??
Ingin merubah tampilan windwos anda..??
Nah ada alternatif lain agar tampilan OS Windows anda berubah menjadi tampilan Mac OS X Tiger tentunya tanpa perlu menginstall Mac OS X Tiger ke dalam komputer anda..

Cara tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan theme yg di design menyerupai Mac OS X Tiger.
Berikut contoh tampilan dari OS Windows yang telah dirubah tampilannya menggunakan theme Mac OS X Tiger :

Namun sebelum dapat langsung menggunakan theme tersebut anda diwajibkan sudah menginstall Windows Blind terlebih dahulu pada komputer anda karena theme berikut ini memiliki extensi file *.wba yang hanya bisa dibuka oleh Windows Blind tentunya.

Jika anda belum memiliki software tersebut silahkan download dari link berikut ini :

namun link software diatas bersifat trial.. jadi anda harus membayar lisensi software tersebut terlebih daulu untuk mendapat full versionnya atau alternatif lainnya anda dapat mencari cracknya yang saya rasa saat ini sudah banyak diluar sana yang menyediakan crack dari windows blind ini..
alternatif lainnya pergilah ke glodok ataupun mangga2 atau tempat-tempat yg menjual CD/DVD software di kota/tempat anda dan carilah software tersebut.. ;-)

Oya sekedar info :
- OS requirements untuk WindowBlinds: Win2000/XP/2003/Vista
- File Size : 21.0 Mb

Nah setelah software tersebut terinstall dikomputer anda download lah file themenya dengan Klik Disini
READ MORE - Mac OS X Tiger Theme


29 August 2009

A powerful, easy-to-use, and free MP3/ OGG/ WMA/ CD jukebox/ organizer/ ripper/ tagger.

MediaMonkey is an easy-to-use organizer for serious music collectors. It catalogs your CDs, MP3, WMA, and OGG audio tracks, and looks up and intelligently tags and renames/reorganizes them.

MediaMonkey rips CDs, converts audio file formats, and easily creates mixes. MediaMonkey integrates with Nero for CD Burning, and with Winamp for playback.

MediaMonkey even includes a built-in player that supports hundreds of Winamp plug-ins, and automatically adjusts volume levels so that you don't have continually fiddle with the volume control.MediaMonkey is a software that will play, ripp and organize your music collection.

Here are some key features of "MediaMonkey":

· A Library which tracks all of the music on your hard drive or on CDs that you own
· Automatically updates based on changes to your music (Gold)
· Automatically update audio CD/track information from Amazon and Freedb
· Organizes music by different attributes, and provides powerful search facilities
· Finds Tracks with problems such as duplicate titles, duplicate content, missing tags
· Allows you to easily update properties, and tag your music using industry-standard formats (ID3v1&v2, OGG, WMA, APE2)

Allows you to edit many tracks at once:

· Automatically organize and rename files on your hard disk based on the music's properties
· Automatically and intelligently tag files based on filenames
· Advanced, intuitive playlist management
· Import and export M3U playlists
· Drag and drop tracks to rapidly create playlists
· Automatically update playlists in response to tracks that have been moved
· Organize playlists hierarchically
· AutoPlaylists to dynamically create mixes based on predefined criteria
· High-quality audio playback (MP3, WMA, OGG, MPC, APE, etc.)
· Supports Winamp-compatible input/output plug-ins to enable add-on functionality
· Supports Winamp-compatible DSP effects such as DFX, for improved audio
· Supports Visualization plug-ins for funky visual effects that match your music
· Includes a 10 band equalizer to customize your audio experience
· Levels Volume so that you no longer have to adjust the volume knob up and down when music has been recorded at different levels
· Integrates with Winamp 2.x if you're used to Winamp as a player and MediaMonkey as your organizer
· Synchronizes your music with your portable audio devices

Encoding into various formats (OGG, MP3, WMA, WAV) so that you can easily add music to your collection:

· Rips audio CD content to your hard drive, with jitter correction for troublesome CDs
· Converts from one audio format to another
· Import/Export songs from external sources with ease, using the Virtual CD (Gold)
· Generate previews - short 20-40kb samples of songs to help qualify unknown music (Gold)
· Burn Audio CDs.


Source : Softpedia
READ MORE - MediaMonkey

AnySQL Maestro

An easy-to-use GUI application for administering any database engine.

AnySQL Maestro is a great tool that allows you to create, edit, copy, and drop tables and views, build queries visually, execute queries and SQL scripts, design your database as ER diagram, view and edit data including BLOBs, analyze data summarized into multidimensional views and hierarchies (OLAP cubes), represent data as diagrams, export and import data to/from most popular file formats and you will be able to use a lot of other components created to ensure the easiest and most efficient handling of various databases.

AnySQL Maestro gives you opportunities to get SQL dump of your metadata and data (even without knowing the syntax), to execute any SQL script, format text of your SQL queries, to copy a table from one database to another by drag-n-drop operations or by pressing Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V hot key combinations and a lot of other features.

Here are some key features of "AnySQL Maestro":

· Universality: you can use the software to work with any database engines simultaneously

· Easy database management: the conception of database profiles gives you the opportunity to connect to databases in one touch and work with the selected databases only

· Powerful database object management: the application includes a number of handy wizards and editors, database explorer allowing you to perform all necessary operations upon databases and their objects (creating new database objects, editing existing ones as well as duplicating and renaming objects)

· User-friendly interface: easy-to-use GUI provided by AnySQL Maestro will make your database management and administration easy and efficient; the tabbed interface is implemented in addition to classic MDI; data can be viewed either as tables or as summary cards

· Object Manager and Object Browser: allow you to fulfill complex data manipulation tasks irrespective of your personal level of competence in this or that server feature

· Building and executing queries: AnySQL Maestro provides powerful tools which allow you either to edit query text directly with syntax highlighting and code completion or to build a query diagram visually selecting tables and fields, setting links between tables and so on;

· Database designer: allows you to create physical ER Diagram that will represent objects and relations in your database database;

· Powerful BLOB viewer/editor: opportunity to view and edit the content of the BLOB fields in various representations such as hexadecimal dump, plain text, graphical image or HTML page; graphical representation of BLOB data supports the following image formats: BMP, Windows metafile, JPEG, GIF and PNG;

· Data export module: exporting data from your tables and queries to files of the 14 most popular formats including MS Excel, MS Access, MS Word, HTML, XML, PDF;

· Data import module: importing data to your tables from files of the following formats: MS Excel, MS Access, XML, DBF, TXT and CSV.

· P-166
· 64 MB RAM
· 10 MB hard disk
· SVGA-compatible video adapter
· IE 4
· Any database server


Source : Softpedia
READ MORE - AnySQL Maestro

Saykoji - Online

Siang malam ku selalu menatap layar terpaku untuk online online
online online

Tidur telat bangun pagi pagi
Nyalain komputer online lagi
Bukan mau ngetik kerjaan
Email tugas diserahkan
Tapi malah buka facebook
Padahal face masih ngantuk
Beler kayak orang mabuk
Pala naik turun ngangguk ngangguk
Sambil ngedownload empitri
Colok iPod USB kiri
Ngecekin postingan forum
Ape ade balesannye?

Biar belum sikat gigi
Belum mandi tapi kalo belum online paling anti
Liat friendster, myspace, youtube, me and U, everybody you too

Siang malam ku selalu menatap Layar terpaku untuk online online
online online
Jari dan keyboard beradu
Pasang earphone denger lagu
Aku online online
online online

Nah uda mandi siap berangkat
Langsung cabut takut terlambat
Tak lupa flashdisk gantung di leher
Malah lupa sepatu jadi nyeker

Flashdisk isinya bokep ato lagu
Kalo ada kerjaan pun gue ragu
Kalo emang berani coba pada ngaku
Cek isi foldernya satu satu
Di kantor online pake proxy
Walau diblok server bisa dilolosi
Namanya udah ketagihan internet
Produktifitaspun kepepet
Jam kerja malah chatting YM
Ngobrol online sama ehehem
Atasan lewat langsung klik data pura pura kerja didepan mata

Siang malam ku selalu menatap Layar terpaku untuk online online
online online
Jari dan keyboard beradu
Pasang earphone denger lagu
Aku online online
online online

Makan siang pun aku cari sinyal Wi-Fi
Mengapa ku kecanduan oh why why
Kadang terasa bagai tak berdaya
Ingin ku berubaah...
Eh, ada email uda dulu ya

Cek email spam semua
Email benerannya cuma dua
Yang satu email lama
Yang satu forwardan yang sama
Ngarep komentar buka friendser
Loading gua tinggal beser
Pas balik ngecek komputer kok lagi maintenance server
Yauda download lagu
Bajakan gratis gak pake ragu
Saykoji satu album
Setengah jam bisa rampung
Sore sore bosen hambar
Ide nakal cari cari gambar
download video dengan sabar ketauan pacar digampar

Siang malam ku selalu menatap Layar terpaku untuk online online
online online
Jari dan keyboard beradu
Pasang earphone denger lagu
Aku online online
online online

Siang malam ku selalu menatap Layar terpaku untuk online online
online online
Jari dan keyboard beradu
Pasang earphone denger lagu
Aku online online
online online
READ MORE - Saykoji - Online

Saykoji - Pengen Kurus

Lagu baru ini adalah curahan hati
Dimohon jangan tertawa

Aku pengen kurus
Punya badan seksi dan terurus
Aku pengen kurus
Perut six pack tanpa selulit dan mulus

gue ngaku gue gendut pengen kurus
badan penuh selulit udah kagak mulus
tapi kagak kuat cuma makan ayam kukus
olahraga suka males harapan pun pupus

bangun pagi cara cemilan cari jajanan
tiap dua jam laper cari makanan
jam 6 sampe 11 masih sarapan
pengen punya perut six pack tinggal harapan

bukan salah mcd atau KFC
gue sendiri buat perut gendut seksi
makan terus tak terasa tak terdeteksi
rasa kenyang berlebihan jadi obsesi

lama-lama berat nambah gak karuan
udah susah berubah mau pindah haluan
udah seporsi masih kagak cukup
gak pake nasi, akh laper ga nutup

Aku pengen kurus
Punya badan seksi dan terurus
Aku pengen kurus
Perut six pack tanpa selulit dan mulus

Segala macem cara udah dicoba
Untuk bisa buat diri gw berubah
Ikut fitnes, rajin olahraga
Tapi abis itu makan malah nambah

Hipnotis kalah sama hipnotis iklan
Restoran goreng daging sama ikan
Gimana gw mo bisa fokus sama niat
Kalau rasa laper berontak menggeliat

Ok coba duduk, enggak makan
hmpp, Tukang bakmie ayam lewat di hadapan
Udah murah, ceban bisa dua porsi
Langsung loncat secepat kilat dari korsi

Bang, kering kagak pake sambel
2 porsi mienya, minta yang tebel
Pake saos banyak sama daun bawang
Gimana mau kurus, gimana dong abang

Aku pengen kurus
Punya badan seksi dan terurus
Aku pengen kurus
Perut six pack tanpa selulit dan mulus

Aku pengen kurus
Jangan cuma ngomong doang, ayo diet diet
Aku pengen kurus
Jangan cuma ngomong doang, ayo diet diet
Aku pengen kurus
Jangan cuma ngomong doang, ayo diet diet

Aku pengen kurus
Punya badan seksi dan terurus
Aku pengen kurus
Perut six pack tanpa selulit dan mulus
READ MORE - Saykoji - Pengen Kurus

Vern`s Mafia Wars Tools

19 August 2009

Anda tau facebook..??
Saya rasa hampir semua kalangan mengenal Facebook (FB)..
dari anak kecil (anak sd ditempat saya ajah udah pada maen FB padahal jaman saya SD belum ada yang beginian.. hihihi jadi malu..)

Nah di FB ini ada sebuah permainan mob game yang bernama Mafia Wars.
Game ini cukup memiliki banyak penggemar yang dapat dilihat dari jumlah pemain perharinya sampai 5juta orang (waw..... that`s amazing man..)
Dan terus terang game ini juga membuat saya sedikit banyak keranjingan.. :-)

Singkat cerita dalam game ini memungkinkan kita untuk membantu Mafia kita melakukan pekerjaan (job) yang dishare olehnya..
Namun kadang kalanya kita selalu terlambat dalam melakukan pekerjaan tersebut karena memang oleh Zynga (pembuat game Mafia Wars) yang hanya bisa membantu mafia yang menshare pekerjaan tersebut hanya 10 orang.
Kadang kala kita terlambat padahal job tersebut baru ishare selama 2detik (damn.. sering banget gw ngalamin kaya gini..!!)

Kenapa bisa begitu? apakah karena memang jumlah mafia teman kita tersebut sudah cukup banyak dan mereka semua sangat cepat dan ahli dalam mengklik mouse..??
Bisa jadi demikian namun ada faktor lain yang menyebabkan kita terlambat dalam melakukan job padahal baru 2detik saja.

Salah satu biang keroknya adalah penggunaan tools yang dibuat oleh mmm enaknya disebut apa yach..?? programer atau hacker? silahkan anda sendiri yang menentukan..
Salah satunya adalah Vern`s Mafia Wars Tools.. Jujur terkadang saya juga menggunakan tools ini namun karena takut akun Mafia Wars dan FB saya diblok jadi saya tidak terlalu sering menggunakannya..

Nah untuk menggunakan tools yang satu ini cukup mudah pertama-tama yang paling utama adalah anda harus bermain game tersebut dulu di FB.
Dari halaman game ini pilihlah menu Inventory kemudian pastekan script (pembuatnya lebih cenderung menamakan bookmarklets) kedalam address bar web browser anda.. namun harus diingat bahwa bookmarklets ini tidak mensupport Internet Explorer (IE). Brikut bookmarkletsnya :


Atau jika anda ingin mengcopy bookmarkletsnya langsung dari webnya bisa dari alamat berikut : barangkali saja pada saat anda membaca tulisan ini bookmarklets tersebut telah di update oleh sang pembuat.
Kalau dilihat sepintas bookmarklets ini dibuat menggunakan javasript dan ketika dijalankan akan tampil seperti dibawah ini :

Aturlah settingnya sesuai keinginan anda setelah itu klik start dan tools akan berjalan dan mencari job yang sedang dishare oleh mafia kita tampak seperti tampil pada gambar berikut :

Anda bisa menghentikan prosesnya sementara dengan mengklik tombol pause atau mengklik close untuk keluar dari bookmarklets ini..
OK.. akhirul kata use at your own risk and happy gaming..
See ya again.
READ MORE - Vern`s Mafia Wars Tools

Membaca Alamat Special Folder Windows Menggunakan VB 6.0

Dalam ruang lingkup sistem operasi windows terdapat folder-folder istimewa (special folder) yang diantaranya adalah Start Menu, Startup, dll.
Untuk dapat membaca alamat special folder windows menggunakan VB dibutuhkan penggunaan suatu fungsi di windows yang dikenal dengan nama Windows API.
Nah dalam artikel ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana kita sebagai programer VB bisa melakukan pembacaan alamat-alamat special folder tersebut.

Pertama-tama yang harus anda lakukan adalah membuat sebuah project baru dimana didalamnya terdapat sebuah form dan sebuah module.
Untuk formnya biarkan saja kosong tidak perlu ditambahkan objek apapun karena program ini hanyalah dalam bentuk program sederhana.

Kalau sudah tambahkan kode berikut ini ke dalam module :

Public Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderPath Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal pszPath As String, ByVal CSIDL As Long, ByVal fCreate As Boolean) As Boolean
'Konstanta2 CSIDL (Special Folder)
Public Const CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS As Long = &H30
Public Const CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP As Long = &H1D
Public Const CSIDL_APPDATA As Long = &H1A
Public Const CSIDL_BITBUCKET As Long = &HA
Public Const CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA As Long = &H23
Public Const CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS As Long = &H17
Public Const CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU As Long = &H16
Public Const CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP As Long = &H18
Public Const CSIDL_CONNECTIONS As Long = &H31
Public Const CSIDL_CONTROLS As Long = &H3
Public Const CSIDL_COOKIES As Long = &H21
Public Const CSIDL_DESKTOP As Long = &H0
Public Const CSIDL_DRIVES As Long = &H11
Public Const CSIDL_FAVORITES As Long = &H6
Public Const CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE As Long = &H8000
Public Const CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY As Long = &H4000
Public Const CSIDL_FLAG_MASK As Long = &HFF00&
Public Const CSIDL_FONTS As Long = &H14
Public Const CSIDL_HISTORY As Long = &H22
Public Const CSIDL_INTERNET As Long = &H1
Public Const CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE As Long = &H20
Public Const CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA As Long = &H1C
Public Const CSIDL_MYPICTURES As Long = &H27
Public Const CSIDL_NETHOOD As Long = &H13
Public Const CSIDL_NETWORK As Long = &H12
Public Const CSIDL_PERSONAL As Long = &H5
Public Const CSIDL_PRINTERS As Long = &H4
Public Const CSIDL_PRINTHOOD As Long = &H1B
Public Const CSIDL_PROFILE As Long = &H28
Public Const CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES As Long = &H26
Public Const CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 As Long = &H2A
Public Const CSIDL_PROGRAMS As Long = &H2
Public Const CSIDL_RECENT As Long = &H8
Public Const CSIDL_SENDTO As Long = &H9
Public Const CSIDL_STARTMENU As Long = &HB
Public Const CSIDL_STARTUP As Long = &H7
Public Const CSIDL_SYSTEM As Long = &H25
Public Const CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 As Long = &H29
Public Const CSIDL_TEMPLATES As Long = &H15
Public Const CSIDL_WINDOWS As Long = &H24
Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0&

Public Function GetSpecialFolder(ByVal lpCSIDL As Long) As String
Dim sPath As String
Dim lRet As Long

sPath = String$(255, 0)
lRet = SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0&, sPath, lpCSIDL, False)

If lRet <> 0 Then
GetSpecialFolder = FixBuffer(sPath)
End If
End Function

Public Function FixBuffer(ByVal sBuffer As String) As String
Dim NullPos As Long
NullPos = InStr(sBuffer, Chr$(0))

If NullPos > 0 Then
FixBuffer = Left$(sBuffer, NullPos - 1)
End If

End Function

Jika sudah tambahkan juga kode berikut ini pada form tepatnya pada saat event form load :

Private Sub Form_Load()

MsgBox "Alamat folder startup anda adalah : " & GetSpecialFolder(&H7), vbInformation, "Info"

End Sub

Selamat mencoba dan selamat belajar...
READ MORE - Membaca Alamat Special Folder Windows Menggunakan VB 6.0

Pernyataan If Dalam Bahasa C++ Menggunakan Borland C++

Tutorial kali ini membahas mengenai pernyataan if pada bahasa c++ menggunakan borland c++.
Contoh program sederhana ini lebih dikhususkan untuk yang baru saja mulai mempelajari bahasa pemrograman c++. Pertama-tama jalankan dulu borland c++ 5.02 yang tentunya sudah harus terinstall dikomputer kalian.
Lalu klik menu File -> New -> Text Edit.
Lho kenapa tidak yang project?
Alasannya simple.. ya karena program ini sendiri masih sangat simple jad tidak usah buat project segala dengan menggunakan Text Edit dari borland c++ pun program anda sudah bisa dibuat.

Oke kalau sudah pada text editor yang muncul ketikkanlah script program berikut :

#include //menginclude file header iostream
#include //menginclude file header conio

void main()
int usia;
clrscr(); //bersihkan layar
cout<<"Berapa usia anda ? "; //tampil pertanyaan usia
cin>>usia; //input usia

if(usia<17) //penyataan if yang mengambil keputusan jika kondisi usia < 17
cout<<"Anda belum cukup umur untuk menonton film dewasa hehehehe..."<<endl;

getch(); //tahan layar

Cukup sederhana bukan?
OK selamat belajar selanjutnya nanti akan saya tuliskan lagi artikel-artikel tentang bahasa pemrograman c++.
READ MORE - Pernyataan If Dalam Bahasa C++ Menggunakan Borland C++

Windows 7 Transformation Pack

18 August 2009

Windows 7 merupakan operating sistem terbaru dari Microsoft.
Untuk anda yang tetap ingin menggunakan sistem operasi anda yang sekarang dan tidak ingin melakukan upgrade ke Windows 7 ada alternatif lain agar tampilan sistem operasi anda menjadi seperti Windows 7.
Adalah Windows 7 Transformation Pack yang merupakan jalan lain bagi anda yang ingin menikmati tampilan Windows 7 tanpa harus meng-upgrade sistem operasi anda.

Windows 7 Transformation Pack ini bukan di buat oleh Microsoft dan tidak ada keterkaitan sama sekali dengan pihak Microsoft selaku pembuat Windows jadi gunakan dengan resiko yang anda tanggung sendiri bila terjadi sesuatu hal yang tidak diinginkan.
Windows 7 Transformation Pack dibuat oleh Mr.Windowsx yang mana situs webnya beralamatkan di

Berikut ini tampilan sistem operasi windows anda setelah menggunakan Windows 7 Transformation pack :

Untuk mendownloadnya anda bisa mengunjungi situs dengan alamat yang merupakan official download source Windows 7 Transformation Pack atau anda bisa langsung mendownloadnya tanpa harus mengunjungi situs tersebut dengan membuka alamat
File name: / File size: 20.46MB
Pastikan nilai MD5 hash untuk file EXEnya: 9C5F93397D1128F05A66B3202B0A058E

Selamat mencoba..
READ MORE - Windows 7 Transformation Pack

Secondhand Serenade - Your Call

16 August 2009

Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
call I'm desperate for your voice
I'm listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Because every breath that you will take
while you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
( I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
( I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
READ MORE - Secondhand Serenade - Your Call

Secondhand Serenade - Stranger

Turn Around
Turn Around and fix your eye in my direction
So there is a connection
I can't speak
I can't make a sound to somehow capture your attention
I'm staring at perfection
take a look at me so you can see
how beautiful you are

you call me a stranger
you say I'm a danger
but all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
you are an angel
making all my dreams come true tonight

I'm confident
but I can't pretend I wasn't terrified to meet you
I knew you could see right through me
I saw my life flash right before my very eyes
and I knew just what we'd turn into
I was hopeing that you could see
take a look at me so you can see

you call me a stranger
you say I'm a danger
but all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
you are an angel
making all my dreams come true tonight

you are an angel
making all my dreams come true tonight

take a look at me so you can see
how beautiful you are

your beauty seems so far away
I'd have to write a thousand songs to make you comprehend how beautiful you are

i know that I can't make you stay
but I would give my final breathe to make you understand how beautiful you are
understand how beautiful you are

you call me a stranger
you say I'm a danger
but all these thoughts are leaving you tonight
I'm broke and abandoned
you are an angel
making all my dreams come true tonight

you call me a stranger
you say I'm a danger
you call me a stranger
READ MORE - Secondhand Serenade - Stranger

Jason Mraz - I`m Yours

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
And now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
I love peaceful melody
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
My breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
[ I Am Yours lyrics found on ]
I guess what i'ma saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find the sky is yours
Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me
A lá one big family (2nd time: A lá happy family; 3rd time: A lá peaceful melody)
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love love love

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

No please, don't complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

No please, don't hesitate
No more, no more
It cannot wait
The sky is yours!
READ MORE - Jason Mraz - I`m Yours

Mudah Menjebol Password Office

15 August 2009

Pernah memiliki sebuah dokumen office yang terpassword??
Namun pastinya akan sangat menjengkelkan bila anda lupa passwordnya..
Hal ini sendiri pernah dialami oleh saya sendiri..

Mungkin di luar sana sudah banyak artikel yang memberikan informasi bagaimana agar kita bisa mendapatkan kembali password yang kita lupa tersebut..
Disini saya mungkin akan sedikit menjelaskan bagaimana caranya menjebol password file office tersebut menggunakan Passware Password Recovery Kit Enterprise..

Kenapa saya lebih menyukai menggunakan software ini..? tentunya karena tools ini memiliki fasilitas lain yang cukup berguna bagi kita yang sering kali lupa password.. jadi bukan hanya untuk menjebol password office saja..

OK.. berikut kronologinya bila kita akan menjebol sebuah file office yang terpassword..
Kronologi pertama tentunya yaitu pada saat dijalankan file office tersebut meminta kita untuk menginput password seperti gambar dibawah ini :

Hehehe maaf ada bagian gambar yang saya buramkan demi kebaikan karena itu file milik orang :-)

Ok langkah berikutnya kita akan langsung menjebol passwordnya..
Jalankanlah program Passware Password Recovery Kit Enterprise dalam hal ini versi yang saya pakai adalah versi 9.0.

Setelah anda jalankan programnya kemudian pilihlah menu Recover File Password untuk memulai menjebol password office.
Anda nanti akan diminta untuk mencari file yang akan anda jebol passwordnya misalkan file tersebut letaknya ada di C:\Foldersaya\Filesaya.doc.

Programpun akan langsung beraksi untuk menemukan password dari dokumen tersebut dan hasilnya akan tampil seperti gambar berikut :

File open password dan File modify passwordnyapun sudah dapat anda ketahui.. mudah bukan??
OK selamat mencoba..
READ MORE - Mudah Menjebol Password Office

Secondhand Serenade - Maybe

Didn't you want to hear
the sound of all the places we could go
Do you fear
the expressions on the faces we don't know
It's a cold hard road when you wake up
and I don't think that I
Have the strength to let you go

Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
that everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
makes me wish that I was never brought into this place

There goes my ring
It might as well have been shattered
and I'm here to sing
about the things that mattered
about the things that made us feel alive for oh so long
about the things that kept you on my side when I was wrong

Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
that everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving

And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
makes me wish that I was never brought into this place

And someday, I promise I'll be gone
And someday, I might even sing this song
To you, I might even sing this song, to you
and I was crying alone tonight
and I was wasting all of my life just thinking of you
So just come back we'll make it better
So Just come back I'll make it
better than it ever was x2

Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
that everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
makes me wish that I was never brought into this place

Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe
that everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving
And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face
makes me wish that I was never brought into this place
( I want it all, Don't leave right now)
(I'll give you everything)
READ MORE - Secondhand Serenade - Maybe

Secondhand Serenade - Like A Knife

I dream a lot, I know you say I've got to get away.
"The world is not yours for the taking" is all you ever say.
I know I'm not the best for you, but promise that you'll stay.
'Cause if I watch you go, you'll see me wasting,
You'll see me wasted away

'Cause today, you walked out of my life
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
I'm not living this life.

Goodbyes are meant for lonely people standing in the rain
And no matter where I go it's always pouring all the same.
These streets are filled with memories both perfect and in pain
And all I wanna do is love you but I'm the only one to blame.

'Cause today, you walked out of my life
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
I'm not living this life.

But what do I know, if you're leaving
All you did was stop the bleeding.
But these scars will stay forever,
These scars will stay forever
And these words have no meaning
If we cannot find the feeling
That we held on to together
Try your hardest to remember

Stay with me,
Or watch me bleed,
I need you just to breathe.

'Cause today, you walked out of my life
(stay with me, or watch me bleed)
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
(i need you just to breathe.)
I'm not living this life
READ MORE - Secondhand Serenade - Like A Knife

Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

The best thing about tonight’s that we’re not fighting
It couldn’t be that we have been this way before
I know you don’t think that I am trying
I know you’re wearing thin down to the cor
But hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
I won’t live to see another day
I swear its true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You’re impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you that I would never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start
Oh, But hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
I won’t live to see another day
I swear its true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I’m yours to keep
And hold onto your words
‘Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you’re asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
Or I won’t live to see another day
I swear its true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find

Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don’t make me change my mind
I won’t live to see another day
I swear it’s true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You’re impossible to find
READ MORE - Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

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